Meet our team.

Peter Maher

Senior Consultant

B. Ec | CPA

Peter worked for the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for over thirty years, having held leadership roles across assessments, audits, rulings, objections and litigation. He held the position of Assistant Commissioner Large Business and International (A/g) for three years. During his career at the ATO Peter also held the position of Director, Public Groups and International where he oversaw a number of ATO audit teams in addition to being on the ATO Infrastructure Specialist Team.

Following on from his illustrious career with the ATO, Peter was appointed as a Tax Principal at Deloitte where he provided tax consulting advice to a range of clients, including tax planning, governance and managing disputes with the ATO. After spending four years with Deloitte, Peter returned to work at the ATO. During this later period with the ATO he was engaged as a tax consultant with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank where he travelled extensively to Kenya, Botswana, Vietnam and China working closely with Tax Administrations in those countries.

Peter worked for a time as a tax consultant with the Australian Energy Regulator and currently works with Tax Inspectors Without Borders, a joint United Nations (UN) and The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) initiative to assist tax administrators in developing countries to conduct tax audits.

In his spare time Peter enjoys swimming, playing golf (badly), travel with his family, and following the Hawthorn Football Club.
