
We work as part
of your team.

Our mission is to support and guide accounting/taxation practices to achieve a fair outcome for their clients when facing the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) during audits or complex financial challenges.


An Australian business had expanded offshore and believed that they could greatly reduce their tax bill by setting up their base overseas. We conducted a session with their accountants and surfaced all the issues and potential do’s and don’ts. The client had an improved knowledge base from which to make their decision.

  • Double tax agreements
  • Transfer pricing
  • VAT overseas

Meet Ross and Kevin
our International Tax Specialists

Global Partners

Essentia Global Services specialises in global indirect tax management. They help businesses to manage their worldwide compliance and cost burden with respect to VAT/GST and similar taxes, effectively and economically.

  • Offshore taxation
  • Local overseas representation
  • Global compliance


An expanding family business had been using unit trust vehicles for each new business entity they established. The accountant had two concerns. Firstly, was a unit trust the most suitable entity and secondly, was what they were currently doing compliant? DTC reviewed the structure and provided written assurance.

  • Appropriate business structures
  • Compliance
  • Optimal outcomes

Meet Peter and Kevin
our Structures Specialists


New company was formed with various shareholdings including three individual owners of a 40% share. The intention was for this shareholding to receive various payments and entitlements over a period of five years until a completion payment was made. The advisor’s question was whether the arrangements were on capital or revenue account. DTC provided written advice.

  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Small business concessions
  • Capital allowances

Meet Peter and Ross
our CGT Specialists


A firm that has been in business for 30 years was subjected to an FBT review. The issues have been time consuming to deal with. DTC’s role is to be an intermediary in dealing with the ATO.

  • Audit by a revenue authority
  • Investigations
  • Processes

Meet Peter and Miles
our Audits Specialists


Many client interactions with the ATO require written submissions. There may be a decision that is incorrect and that requires an objection or a situation that is unclear where a ruling will advise the ATO view.

  • Unclear rulings
  • Objections
  • Precedents

Meet Peter and Miles
our Rulings Specialists


Client was in the hospitality business and applied for a CFB and was rejected. The advisor objected against the decision and was unsuccessful. After a passage of time and an AAT decision and an ongoing monitoring a further attempt was made to secure the CFB. This was met with success.

  • Battle Red tape
  • Cost benefit
  • Who to speak to / what to say.

Meet Miles our
Procedures Specialist


The ATO regarded a client, selling a subtitled block of land formerly comprising their principal residence, as being in business and therefore liable to GST.

Counter arguments were advanced that the subdivided land was still the principal residence and the client merely was simply “did nothing more than to realise the sale of their property in a normal and prudent way.” Gibbs J. in FCT v NF Williams would apply.

This view prevailed saving the client the cost and the concern of an audit.

  • ITCs
  • Change of intent/ creditable purpose
  • Enterprise, Margin Schemes

Meet Miles
our GST Specialist


A specialist medical practice that included a day hospital was audited by the Victorian SRO. The SRO view was that the doctors were deemed contractors and consequently liable for Payroll Taxes. Submissions made to the SRO strongly refuted this view. Ultimately the doctors were exempted under the provisions of the Payroll Tax Act.

  • Uncertainty
  • Manage risk
  • Application of tax

Meet Kevin and Miles
our Prudential Specialists